Thursday, January 18, 2007

Why I watch...

I watch the first three weeks of the show because it makes me feel better about myself. When I see these talentless delusional morons jack their jaws about how great they are and then they sound like a bag of cats I feel like a freakin' genius. For sure I am not a genius but compared to these yo-yos I should run the country. It's truly funny to watch people who are tone deaf and have NEVER sung before in front of anyone think they are good only to get beaten into reality by their own failure.
I won't be watching the show after the hysterics are over since they always seem to run off anyone with musical ability at the end. I will say the exception to that is the season one winner who has actually done well so far, and perhaps the season four winner will also continue to be successful.


Anonymous said...

Surely some of these slack jawed yokels on this show are faking it. Are people really this stupid?

Note to anyone out there: when your co workers encourage you to do something like that THEY ARE MAKING FUN OF YOU!

Captain Dude said...

Mike has extensive personal experience in this area.

Anonymous said...

Indeed I do. LOL