Tuesday, January 09, 2007

H.I.N. pt.2

So the e-mail in the previous post got results and in November Chick1 got authorization from Corporate to "make it right." Skip to January 07 as that is the earliest we could get a contractor on site to perform the job.

Yesterday the contractor, Dude2, showed up to survey the job he was hired to perform. He lives about an hour away and noticed immediately that he had not been informed that he was replacing about 800 square ft. of tile. He was under the impression that he would be doing only our kitchen. He also noted that the materials sent by Generic home improvement center were both incomplete and inadequate to do the job correctly. He left to go to the store to "Get our ducks in a row." I like Dude2, he seems very concerned with re-doing this job correctly no matter the cost to Generic home improvement center. No work was performed Monday as he was not prepared for the scope of the job.

Tuesday, it is snowing lightly here and Dude2 wants to go home for the day because "The roads might ice over." Southerners kill me with this crap. They cannot drive the speed limit when roads are dry, instead choosing to go absolutely as fast as possible. Any hint of rain or snow and they cannot drive at all for some reason.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Correct, people here do not know how to drive particularly in the snow. I'm not sure why they are so petrified of white rain.