Sunday, February 04, 2007

Peyton (What's in a name)

Congratulations again for making it to the SB Mr. Manning.
Now I opened the paper today and saw, on the cover no less, 49 children named after this dude. That is so freakin' weird! I am all for supporting a team and being a fan, but why do people attach to this individual? 2/3 of Tennessee became Colts fans when he got drafted, this confounds me. reading the sports section and hearing people brag about naming their kid, some when he was an incoming freshman, makes me think the world is actually ending. On the plus side, it does make me fell better about myself since I can name my children independently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He has become a local celebrity. I've read in Indianapolis it's the same way. You have to give him this, at least he's not out shooting up bars and running drugs. If kids and adults have to idolize someone, I would rather it be PM than Ray Lewis or TO.