Monday, July 03, 2006

Facing the Giants (Again)

Earlier in June(Captain Dude) I wrote about this movie getting the shaft from the MPAA. It seems that with the advent of rapid communication, and Christians who are tired of being pushed around the MPAA is changing their tune(CNN). Now they are saying it has nothing to do with religion, but rather the "mature themes" throughout the film. If you read the CNN link it's very clear that the MPAA is having to backtrack after irritating the conservatives out there.

All that said, I can't wait until this movie comes out. Click here to watch the trailer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when conservatives voice their opinion. This is what happened with the Harriet Miers nomination and it's what's happening with the immigration issue now that GWB has agreed to rethink his position.

The new media will be heard!