Friday, August 11, 2006

Airline Plot

First off GREAT JOB by Mi-5 and the British to gank these losers before they had a chance to do any damage, and thanks for keeping us in the loop during the process. Now on to the nuts and bolts. These guys were caught because their privacy was "violated" based on who they were (racial or religious profiling?). Guess what? I'm all for it! People who whine about our "illegal" phone tapping practices should learn to read what the law actually states. The calls must be originated from and/or destined to a known terrorist nation.

Now, if we could just figure out what the Iranian President is planning to do on August 22nd I would sleep a little better at night. He is bound and determined to bring "the end of the world" so that Islam can rise up and "be free." I am actually afraid of this man he is taking orders only from Allah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The silence from the anti wiretapping crowd is deafening. Funny how all those Congressman condemned the wiretapping but none of them lifted a finger to pull the plug on the project. I wonder why that is?