Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Prayer is Answered

Awhile back I posted this:
Lately I have tried to live my life according to the words in Isaiah 6:8 by serving in any capacity God wanted to use me. I have to say he is wearing me out right now though. I am hopeful that I can wrap up a few outstanding issues in some of the areas where I serve and be able to relax a little. If that isn't the case then I have faith he will provide me with the strength I need to get through these next few months.

After having my family completed with the gift of my third child, and lots of prayer by myself and my church family, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can reasonably say I will be able to rejoin my bandmates soon, it has really been hard not playing with them. Now I need to make sure that I stay focused on prayer for my family, my church, and my country. I believe that God answers all prayer, it's just not always the answer we wanted. The hardest thing to bear is your prayer being answered with a no or wait. The good thing is that it teaches us to pray for God's will and not our own.

Just to be clear when I say God I mean God who sent his only Son Jesus to die for MY sins that I might live forever in the kingdom of Heaven. Not some distant, remote or obscure mystical type figure.

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