Wednesday, November 08, 2006

MRI on Monday

On Monday, the Captain goes in to find out why his knee makes funny squishing sounds and seems to move excessively from front to back during acceleration and deceleration (I use these terms liberally). I do not look forward to the results as I suspect a meniscus tear and/or some sort of abnormal tissue buildup. I have to know since trying to walk with the kids at a park a few weeks ago resulted in much swelling and pain after a very light workload. I remember distinctly about two years ago playing flag football and feeling my knee "pop" ( not painful) while trying to chase a frat boy down the field. The pop was front to back and not laterally which should mean no ACL tear but could be the MCL or PCL. I'll keep you updated on the results. If you want to know more about knee structures and diagnosis click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cut it off about mid thigh. That should take care of the swelling.