I spent the last week on the road for a family visit/vacation. I have one Grandmother who is very ill in Colorado and another in Kansas that had never met my children. We drove three hours to Nashville and flew 2 hours to Denver. We fly from Nashville because plane tickets are $300 cheaper if you are willing to drive a little. My son acted like someone who had just snorted ten lines of cocaine the whole time on the flight out which further reinforced my resistance to flying with little ones. He also LOADED up a diaper mid-flight which I had the privilege of changing in the airplane's bathroom. Do those really need to be that small?
In Denver we got to spend sometime with my Aunt, Uncle, Sister, and Grandmother. We had a pretty good time but spent the night in a different location every night. Monday we drove to Fowler Kansas to visit with Aunts, Uncles and cousins. The top picture is from Castle Rock Colorado and the bottom picture is from Fowler Kansas. From Fowler we drove to Hugoton Kansas to visit another Grandmother. GrandDad died in 2002 from Alzheimer's and she had never met the kids so this was a necessary stop. We spent one night there and then back to Denver for a final night with my sister before flying back on 09/06.
This was a busy whirlwind trip, but was still fun. We did rent a Dodge Magnum which on the plus side was nice and roomy and on the minus side looked like a creepy hearse. Now I am off to WV on Monday for the week.
The Magnums are very Hearse-ish. I heard they could fly though. Did you try it out?
Speed limit in Colorado is 75 and it had no trouble cruising there. I don't speed so I didn't test it out beyond that.
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