Friday, January 02, 2009

Movie Review (The Dark Knight)

I had been wanting to see this as soon as I saw the trailer, but life sometimes makes getting a movie seen for me. Anyway, I watched it last night and saw some very interesting things.

Heath Ledger's performance has gotten some very rave reviews, and I definitely liked that he appeared to pay tribute to the Jack Nicholson interpretation of the character. I do wonder if her would have been so highly lauded if he had not passed away. I much prefer some of his other work to this, The Patriot and A Knight's Tale, but did enjoy his performance. Christian Bale was magnificent again but what was up with the costume? The cape looked like something they grabbed at the salvation army and it never seemed to belong. Maggie Gyllenhaal was not a viable replacement for Katie Holmes either. Acting was fine but the prettiness factor was an issue for me since Rachel Dawes is supposed to be a stunning beautiful woman and Ms. Gyllenhaal is a touch more "average." The movie dragged a bit for me at points but I couldn't put my finger on the reason or which scenes should have been left on the editing room floor. Overall I really liked it, but won't be adding it to my collection of movies.

As an aside, the political sub-plot caught my attention towards the end of the film. Did the Nolan brothers purposefully portray Batman as a George W. Bush type figure or is this simply something I wanted to see? A modern-day person willing to be the bad guy in order to do what is right. A person willing to shoulder the burdens and blames unfairly leveled at him and pass the torch because it's "...what Gotham needs." I found this an interesting parallel in these weird, often troubled, political times where a President has been vilified yet continues to do what he believes is morally right and stands by his convictions. Shouldering the responsibility of bad intelligence, and the ineptitude of the Congress. Things that make you go hhhhhmmmmmm.

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