Friday, February 08, 2008

Dr. J is coming to town

Dr. Jackson will be speaking next week at the Darwin Day celebration. Information on the celebration can be found here. I would encourage everyone to attend no matter which side of the debate you are on. I am a huge fan of hearing both sides of every argument and letting people present their cases. Dr. J is amazing and you'll be shocked at his depth when debating. FYI he won't mention the Bible once so be ready for pure science.


Anonymous said...

I didn't see any reference to him. Is he going to listed as a speaker, or will they shove him in the corner so as not to give him any publicity?

Captain Dude said...

He will be a speaker defending his position. They won't advertise that but it's always cool to see.

Anonymous said...

What night will he be speaking or do you have that information?

Captain Dude said...

I have learned that Dr. J will not be speaking but will be at the Eugenie Scott seminar. He hopes to be able to ask questions to the presenter.