Thursday, September 04, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin

Last night I stayed up late to see what this lady was all about. The critics say she displayed why she is not qualified to be our nation's VP but I didn't see it that way. Last night she stepped out of obscurity and into the spotlight showing all of America why she was picked. While you may disagree with her on the issues you can't deny her ability and accomplishments. She is the first non-partisan person I have seen in the spotlight in a long time. She doesn't belive in left or right, she stickes to right and wrong. Naturally, not everyone will share her views on this but that isn't the point. She will not be doing or saying anything to make herself, or Republicans in general, look good or simply pandering to adoring masses. She knows what she believes in and is aware of her qualifications. The brilliance displayed by the speechwriters and RNC strategists was evident when they sent governor Palin after Barack Obama. She cannot go after Biden's experience so she was focused on the number one person on the democratic ticket. The man has no acheivements in his political career and not even a voting record to stand on. He can't even vote yes or no, let alone make decisions for a country. Barack Obama is  indeed a brilliant orator and inspiring public speaker but this is not an infomercial or motivational team building exercise. Sarah Palin demonstrated that Obama is a manufactured candidate with little substance. Her own accomplishments for outpace anything he has ever attempted and will likely continue to do so. Kudos to Mike Huckabee also, he was quite funny and inspiring pointing out that Palin received more votes as a mayor than Biden got when he ran for president.


Anonymous said...

I had no intention of voting for John McCain until he picked her as his running mate. So far she seems like the real deal.

Captain Dude said...

I am sure Obama and Biden would have appreciated your previous position.

Anonymous said...

I could care less what Obiden thinks of my position, or McCain for that matter.

It's getting very tiresome for myself as a conservative to walk into a voting booth and vote for someone, knowing good and well they will do nothing to advance the conservative agenda to defeat liberalism/socialism/communism.

A McCain/Lieberman ticket would have accomplished the same things an Obiden ticket would have accomplished: Republicans "crossing the aisle" and caving to the whims of liberals.

If Republicans are going to act like Democrats then why vote for them? If I wanted a Democrat in office then I would vote for one.