Sunday, August 24, 2008

Current FAILures!

For the Olympics: (these could be removed from competition)
BMX - they don't even pedal. FAIL
Badminton - not an athlete
Table Tennis - not an athlete. although they call timeout and drink gatorade during the matches.
Syncro diving - ZZzzzZZZ!
Women's Wrestling - nobody wants to see women doing that. See WNBA attendance stats.
Women's Basketball - Good for college, lame beyond that. See above comment.
Equestrian - not an athlete. See the ages of some "competitors", 65 is ridiculous.
Sailing - too boring.
79 Kayak and rowing events - a few would be ok, but really there are 700 rowing events.

For Television: (shows that blew or will blow it)
Knight Rider - Gets some kudos for wanting to bring it back, FAIL for being a mustang
The Mentalist - stupid title
90210 - one decade was enough
Kath & Kim - just write a "How to be superficial and trashy" manual.
Another Big Brother - Dummmies on display.
Another Survivor - the first two seasons were good
Grey's Anatomy - for firing Isaiah Washington and going ghey for drama.

I'm sure there are more but that's what I have been assaulted with lately. Please put something good back on TV so I don't have to watch the Gomer Pyle USMC reruns all the time.

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