Monday, June 04, 2007

Can "The View"

I have been behind the times and just watched the segment on "The View" where essentially three people gang up on Elizabeth Hasselbeck and she holds her own just fine. After watching this it amazes me how narrow minded some people who call them selves liberals really are. I watched the segment on YouTube, and have to say that Joy Behar and Rosie O'Donnell are ridiculously narrow minded and gullible. Please understand I am NOT defending the President here, just blown away by how stupid those two women are.

I picked the picture above because I think everything out of Rosie's mouth has some underlying ghey ulterior motive. I believe everything she does is to somehow increase her popularity and help out her cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I believe everything she does is to somehow increase her popularity and help out her cause."

Unlike Ellen Degeneres.