Friday, March 20, 2009

What are Dads doing?

I'm certainly not the best example of a husband and father and have been trying much harder lately to live up to those roles. I am reading the above book after Mrs. Dude just completed it. This guy is awesome! He is really calling out parents, particularly fathers, to live up to their biblical roles. We have strayed so far from what we are called to do as men that this is truly a daunting task. We have let other people tell us what we should do, and pretty much let other people, and the government, raise our kids now. We are getting dangerously close to losing our families and the right to raise them the correct way. Check this link out:

NC Judge Forces Homeschool Children into Government school

The "socialization" argument is so ridiculous, I can't believe people even say that yet I hear it every time I mention that we homeschool. It always goes like this

" Yeah, we really thought about doing that but we were worried about them the social issues. Johnny really needs to interact with other kids."
I usually just say that my kids interact with several different peer groups, AND can speak to adults with respect. Look, you may not be able to homeschool, I totally understand that and don't think everyone should. I also think public education is vital and needs to be there for people who cannot educate their own children. With that said, quit acting like I am doing a dis-service to my children by homeschooling them.

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