Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Agressive Drivers Suck

On Monday evening I was taking my 6 year old daughter to ballet at 1615 heading South on Cedar Bluff road. I was in the left lane going 40 or 41 Miles per hour, speed limit is 40 here, and coming up on a car in the right hand lane going slightly slower than I was. 20 feet before I reached that vehicles rear bumper a green late 90's GMC jimmy with the license plate number 006-BDC, Knox County Tennessee, raced up on my right and cut in front of me. I had to get on the brakes to avoid clipping the vehicle's left rear and also laid on my horn. The young person responded by flipping me off to which my daughter asked "What is he doing daddy?" I said, " He is being very stupid." I immediately called the police and phoned in what this person had done. I hope he enjoyed the visit he received.

After Dropping off my daughter I needed to run down Kingston Pike and make a deposit at our bank. The speed limit on Kingston Pike is 45 between the two locations I had to visit and traffic was pretty heavy so people were going between 40 and 47 I would guess. I was, again, in the left hand lane going right at 45 while traffic in the right hand lane was closer to 40. There were easily three cars ahead of me going the same speed but well-spaced. About halfway to where I was headed a little red Honda something pulled right under my bumper and stayed there. He would alternate trying to destroy his hood on my trailer hitch with swerving to the middle turn lane as if he was going to pass me there. This guy had definitely seen too many movies with great stunt drivers and over corrected his swerving at least three times almost causing him to slide into the slower right-hand lane.

Why is everyone in such a hurry to get places. You don't get there more than two or three minutes faster even if you go your vehicles top speed. Being a good driver doesn't mean you go fast. I refer you to one of my favorite web pages: Click Here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate driving in West Knoxville period!