Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Why I dislike Oprah Winfrey

I have several reasons. For all the good she does, she is wishy washy on so many issues. She claims to be Christian, yet thinks marriage is an unnecessary institution, when she is fat she talks about how it's ok to be fat, when she is skinny she talks about how to get skinny etc.. This past week really took the cake. I figured I would call it out since so many people are getting canned just for talking these days.

Speaking about her Grandmother:
"She used to say, 'I hope you get some good white folks that are kind to you.' And I regret that she didn't live past 1963 to see that I did grow up and get some really good white folks working for me," Winfrey said, to laughter and a loud applause.

Double standard in action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Add to that the feminisation of our culture, mainly men, and the blame others first mentality.