Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Yesterday as I was driving to work I stopped at the intersection of Dutchtown Road and Mabry Hood Road. To my left 40 yards away was a car approaching at 40+ mph, speed limit is 30 right there, so I decided to let him pass before making a right turn onto Dutchtown. The jackass behind me decides he is in a terrible hurry and shoots off through the small construction zone and onto Dutchtown right in front of that oncoming vehicle. I turned onto the road and went 32 MPH and met him at the stoplight about half a mile away. It was then I noticed he had a huge sticker on the back windshield of his Maroon Ford Expedition. It said:

I find it interesting that people drive like this tool anyway, let alone when they advertise who they are when they do it. What a moron! I encourage everyone to give him a call.


Anonymous said...

Looks like he could get a better website than that. After all, he is is the comuter business.

Anonymous said...

First of let me apologize for the incident, Previously I had someone else working for men when I imagine it was that idiot as I caught driving in the same way one day on my own. Let me assure you the he is no longer with the company and the Expedition in back in my possesion. As for the website, yeah it sucks, thats more of a place holder than a site. I orginally was trying my hands and sales and had pretty large site going but have changed back over to tech support and am in the process of having a new site built.

Anonymous said...

as a co-worker of captain dude, he was probably the problem since he drives a like a 90 yr old bitch

Captain Dude said...

Wow, I only know two people that would talk like that. Fortunately, they have both proven that their opinions are worthless regarding most things.