I admit it, last night I watched WifeSwap. That show is weird but it hooked me in pretty quick. One of the ladies was a very devout follower of Wicca. Going so far as to have a house elf conjured to clean her home. The house was, of course, filthy since there is no such thing as a house elf. The thing that struck me the most was that she was "homeschooling" her oldest daughter. This girl was learning NOTHING, I can't believe that lady didn't go to jail. She was teaching her child herbology and other nonsensical crap that would set her up for a career at McDonald's. I guess it's cool that freedom of religion allows you to choose what you want to worship. I would hope that before you decide you would do some non-biased research into your chosen religion.
Wicca was carved out of thin air in 1954 by a dude named Gerald Gardner. He does claim that the religion is much more ancient and was taught to him by Dafo or Old Dorothy. None of this can be independently verified at all. Dude was a laborer and liked to read about the occult, I think he planted rubber trees. Anyway, much research has been done and no one can verify anything older than the 1920's. Closely associated with witchcraft, they don't always intertwine, the lady last night thought she could do magic. Naturally nothing magic happened on TV. I once dislocated my arm playing intramural football on a military base. When I returned to work in great pain one of the Electronic Technicians came up and offered to "heal" me. I asked her what she meant by that and she whispered "I am a witch." I said sure fix me up and she began to mumble some crap and rubbed something between her hands then put her hands on my injury. Nothing happened of course and the problem was apparently the "energy in the room."
So be Wiccan if you want but I did my own research and it ain't for me, and don't come yapping about how it's older than any other religion. I have noticed lately that people tend to only use research by people heavily invested in their own way of thinking, this is never a good idea. You will, of course, hear only what you want and not get the facts. In particular I noticed this on Mancow this morning with a dude talking marijuana up. I am saving that for later today or tomorrow though.
I like how these people always have an excuse when some spell doesn't work.... Last Halloween, Phi Williams had a witch on his radio show. He allowed her to read his tarot. It was a total bust. Nothing she turned over even remotely related to his life. Her response, "I don't do good readings over the radio."
Kind of reminds me of these people who communicate with the dead. Always have a contigency plan when things go wrong.
I was wondering if you have done research for your own belief system by people who are not heavily invested in your own way of thinking. If so I would like to hear about those findings...
Christianity research has been done and been proven by Religious and secular historians for many centuries. Only now that upstarts want some credibility do they attack an already solid foundation. For example the belief that the Nicene council decided what is in the Bible is fiction; they simply established as fact what a few people were trying to retort. Most Biblical reasearch is done by skeptics and not the followers of that discipline.
christianity has always been and will always be what the followers of jc say.. just as islam is what muslims believe in... all religions are made up by the followers of it...
god.. goddess.. mother earth.. great spirit... creator... whatever name you give the divine is beyond human ability to grasp.. which is why we make such a mess of understanding or explaining it to each other... so why would wicca be any different?? it isnt.. the need to believe in something beyond yourself is the driving force that binds us all...including the rituals practiced, the intonations whispered in private or in public, the vows kept or broken..
no one has the right to judge another..
hey isnt that something jc said???
He also said there is but one way to heaven, you cannot pick and choose what you want to believe from Christ's mouth. Jesus Christ is historically documented person as are his teachings. Nothing at all abou thim comes from only his follower's mouths, only whether or not to believe it.
You either believe what Christ said, or he was a complete lunatic there is no middle ground.
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