Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Disgrace the Uniform

I read today that First Lieutenant Ehren Watada will refuse his orders to go to Iraq saying that he does not feel compelled to fight in war against a country that did nothing to us. Additionally, he said that he doesn't want to lead his men into combat since he has seen so many families torn apart.

You sir are a disgrace to the United States of America and the United States Army. You swore to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic AND to obey the orders of those appointed over you. Your men will be lead by someone else, preferably someone with a pair; you are not preventing them from having to go anywhere. You are simply going to be court martialed and jailed where you can rest easy knowing you won't see any combat.

You should have done your time then resigned your commission OR you should have never signed up for ROTC just for the free scholarship. Good luck in the pokey chicken man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the equivalent of the rest of us going to our jobs but refusing to do the work that is required of us everyday.

Hey moron this is you job. This is what you chose to do.

Here's an idea, if you don't want to go to war, DON'T BE A SOLDIER. It's actually quite simple.