How dangerous is this guy? He says one day that Israel should be exterminated and that the holocaust is fiction, then tells everyone he is just enriching uranium to light his country. I must say that I, personally, am terribly frightened of this man. It should also be frightening that Russia and China seem to be ok with this dude. Those countries try to act above board when the world is focused on them, but they still concern me. By the way that is Mahmoud with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, another really peaceful guy. I promise no one in that picture is wearing deodorant.
I wonder if the U.N. will acutally do anything besides their age old tactic of "Stop!" "Ok now stop!" "We really mean it, STOP!" "umm could you maybe stop doing that?" "Is there anyway we can help you?"
1 comment:
Don't forget the U.N. likes to send letters saying "stop", also.
This guy us just like any other peace loving Muslim extremist, he just happens to be the president of a nation. That's what make him so scary.
These people aren't afraid to die. In fact, they want to die. You can't reason with that. All you can do is oblige them.
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