Saturday, June 03, 2006

Holy ridiculous crap!

Now really, why did her sexuallity have to be stated? No one even cares about the romantic aspect of superheroes, this is obviously to get the "it's ok to be gay" message to young people. This is almost as stupid as the time they tried to make Superman a vegetarian. I take that back, this is much worse. There is truly no reason to state that Batwoman is gay other than to get that message into kids heads.
I have to say they did an excellent job making her look just like all they gay women I see, I can only assume that when she takes off her costume that she has a killer softball mullet and isn't quite so svelte. That observation is of course only based on the sampling of lesbians I have encountered, not to say it's a requirement to look that way to be gay.


Anonymous said...

I don't think its an issue of "its OK to be gay." Instead, they're pursing the idea that (in some situations) there is no such thing as bad press.

You just put a 150-word advertisement on your blog, for free.

Captain Dude said...

So what you said is that there's no such thing as bad press to push the "it's ok to be gay" or batwoman just needed press period? I agree about the press and marketing strategy but I also don't think it was a totally innocent move purely for marketing.
I miss your long hair.

Anonymous said...

I'll misquote Hanlon's Razor and say "Never attribute to an agenda that which can be adequately explained by greed."

DC is in the business of selling comic books. If they can do something that causes people to talk about their comics, then they're getting free advertisement. Its not so much about pushing a gay agenda--which may be a secondary goal--as it is about using viral marketing to sell comic books and increase the worth of the Batwoman brand.

Look how well it worked for The DaVinci Code. It's a story with mediocre-quality prose and more exposition than a pulp-fiction sci-fi film, but the plot made a stink, and now everyone has to read it. Blammo! Instant best-seller!

No matter how people talk about your product, the fact that their talking about it will sell more of that product: there is no such thing as bad press. Of course, there are exceptions to this.

My long hair is gone. Quarter-inch buzz-cut, baby.
