Monday, June 26, 2006

The Miami 7 "Terrorists" (losers)

These guys are lame! It's unfortunate that they would turn their back on their own country and actively try to do harm to Americans; thank goodness they were too stupid to buy their own shoes.

For me the funniest part was how some of the parents are defending their children. Claiming that they are "good Christian men" and saying this is all fabricated. I promise the government has better things to do than find seven losers in Miami and frame them for something like this, plus who could make this crap up? This goes to show how many parents have absolutely no idea about their kids lives. Parents are observing their children from a distance and aren't actively involved in their lives. Being a whacked out Islam extremist doesn't happen overnight.

I have heard some folks wanting to claim entrapment for these morons so let me real quick clear up what that is. Entrapment is where the Law Enforcement or Government Agency induces, or causes you, to commit a crime. This means you would not have done anything wrong if you had been left alone. CLEARLY not the case here, these jackasses had laundry lists of third grade plans to terrorize the nation. No one did that for them.
Attention Miami 7; Bubba and the boys at the federal prison are looking forward to your arrival.

P.S. I hope the ACLU also sues them for not being more racially diverse as they built their regime. Why can't a white guy get in this club?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It takes a moron to think these guys were victims of entrapment. If you come up to me and say "Let's blow up the Sears Tower." I'm going to run as far away from you as I can and call the authorities.

I would not under any circumstances say, "Interesting. I'd like to hear more."

These guys were intent on causing harm to this nation, regardless of what an undercover agent said to them. They should be stripped of all constitutional rights and tried in a military tribunal as military combatants. As far as I'm concerned when you take up arms against the people of this nation, then you have effectively renounced your citizenship.