Wednesday, July 12, 2006

More celebrities

We can't let Matthew Mconahey have all the attention right? Tommy Cruise hasn't been able to stay off camera for more than 15 minutes at a time until their "baby" was born. Now where is he? A few months ago, he was jumping and screaming across talk show and late night sets about how proud he was and how much he was looking forward to it. What happened? I read today that the so-called parents did not even sign the birth certificate, they had a friend do it.
It's probably all part of some scientology garbage. We have all actually seen the baby but the evil aliens are shielding our eyes. That last line is, unfortunately, something they actually believe is possible.

P.S. Captain Dude got another mention by the VelvetMantis yesterday. It's always good to get mentioned by Velvet and Teddy, but terribly unfortunate when they say crap like "it's on." Losers.


Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise is a buffoon. Although his movie "Collateral" is very good.

His "marriage" and pregnancy were all publicity stunts for MI3. Which I'm sure sucked.

Anonymous said...

His "marriage" and pregnancy, while real, were nothing more than publicity stunts for MI-3. Which I'm sure sucked.