Saturday, July 08, 2006

Movie Review (Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest)

The family rolled out to the "local" drive-in to catch the double feature of Cars and Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest. The first PoC movie was interesting and I actually only watched it because someone said my five and seven year olds would enjoy it. Let's stop right here and clear up that I do NOT think these are great for kids, lots of dead, dying, and death spiritual junk all the time. People get killed just off-camera quite a bit too. Our kids sleep through the second film and only watched Cars.
I am not a Johnny Depp fan, I think the dude is way weird and fruity. That said he, and the rest of the cast, really deliver and are believeable in their respective roles. It's pretty easy to see where the film's budget goes with all the starpower. Anyway, the cast is great and they deliver top notch performances I just don't care for the stories I guess. They are somewhat dull and extremely predictable and something seems to be lacking. Moments in the film that should be suspenseful seem awkward to me, and the ending of this film definitely could have been pretty shocking but just came off as abruptly stopping. Perhaps the score is lacking but I wasn't engaged enough to pay attention at this point. If you have young teens I am sure the will love it completely as the movie is as awkward as any child in an adult body.
Not Very Official Mconahey site MconaheyMconaheyMconaheyMconaheyMconaheyMconahey
I do NOT recommend this film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the first POTC. I'm skeptical of this one only because of the track records that sequels have. Godfather II being the exception.