Today I read Mike and Tommy's blogs and just had to jump onboard. Rick Monday acted on instinct without thought that he was making history. His humble spirit in this interview shows what a true hero is.
I was disappointed to see that congress is incapable of understanding when something is truly offensive and protecting our national symbol. We take great steps to ensure no one hears the name of Christ just in case it burns their ears; at the same time we let people mock our symbol of power and freedom.
Shamelessly, I give you the cowards (no real surprises) who voted no (opposed to protecting) on the flag burning amendment:
Akaka, D-HawaiiI thought I would highlight the turds who think they should be President too, people who think they have the stones to lead us but they can't even stand for the flag. I want speech to be protected, please voice your opinion if you can do it respectfully. Being a jackass like a flag burner is not freedom of speech, it's just a coward who should go live in another country.
Bennett, R-Utah
Biden, D-Delaware
Bingaman, D-New Mexico
Boxer, D-California
Byrd, D-West Virginia
Cantwell, D-Washington
Carper, D-Delaware
Chafee, R-Rhode Island
Clinton, D-New York
Conrad, D-North Dakota
Dodd, D-Connecticut
Dorgan, D-North Dakota
Durbin, D-Illinois
Feingold, D-Wisconsin
Harkin, D-Iowa
Inouye, D-Hawaii
Jeffords, I-Vermont
Kennedy, D-Massachusetts
Kerry, D-Massachusetts
Kohl, D-Wisconsin
Lautenberg, D-New Jersey
Leahy, D-Vermont
Levin, D-Michigan
Lieberman, D-Connecticut
McConnell, R-Kentucky
Mikulski, D-Maryland
Murray, D-Washington
Obama, D-Illinois
Pryor, D-Arkansas
Reed, D-Rhode Island
Sarbanes, D-Maryland
Schumer, D-New York
Wyden, D-Oregon
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