I wasn't paying attention last year when ESPN outbid everyone and got the rights to all BCS bowl games for the next four years. Disney, ABC, and ESPN are all the same so they could certainly choose to show a game or two on network television. In what's becoming the typical greedy american way, they aren't. Factor this in with your Comcast rates going up on purpose again, and the perpetual channel shuffling to make sure you have to buy channels you don't want and some folks simply can't watch the games this year. I realize I chose this predicament but thought I would write to ESPN so they would know I was disappointed. Here are the emails:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I was disappointed to learn that none of the BCS bowl games are available to me. I pay only for the limited cable package because of the amount of trash that is generally on television and excessive channels I do not want. Because of the way channel selection works, I would have to pay almost $60/mo just to get ESPN which I am not willing to do. This year my friends and I will be unable to watch any available college games. We all enjoy football a great deal but aren't willing to have to purchase 50 channels we do not want in our homes. Thank you for your time.
I felt this was a reasonable observation and that I would receive some kind of sympathetic yet unwavering response. Here's what I got:
Thanks for contacting ESPN and giving us an opportunity to respond.
All BCS games will be available to almost 100 million homes on ESPN as well as through ESPN3.com and ESPN Radio. We are confident that fans will find and enjoy these games, the culmination of our year-round commitment to college football.
ESPN Viewer Response
I put the selected text in bold as I felt "Robert" was implying that I am not a real fan because I am not willing to pay exorbitant amounts to watch sports. This is not correct, I enjoy sports but have better things to do with my money. Unfortunately, I feel I may be removing cable entirely from my home in the near future and will probably only have a television for family-type movie nights. My girls having to watch Viagra ads during kid's shows is kind of telling me things won't be getting any better. Oh, by the way I wrote "Robert" (Hello, my name is Peggy) back and said that previously the only reason I didn't have ESPN was the fact that it would cost me a minimum of $60/month (and that stupid cable box). I let him know that his arrogant response earned them another reason.
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