Monday, November 05, 2007

Hollywood Writer's Strike

Does anyone really care except for the employees affected by the fallout? I mean really, these people have churned out mainly filth for the past 6 years or so. I can't even let my kids watch daytime TV anymore because the commercials for prime time shows like "The Family Guy" or "How I Met Your Mother", or really anything these days, will come on and say something completely offensive in the middle of a children's show. Equally as bad, my girls were watching the "American Girl" series of movies one day and had to be subjected to Viagra ads. Try writing something decent and maybe the American people will care that you aren't getting what you feel you deserve. I need to get a Tivo or Microsoft Windows XP Media Center, which does the same thing for no monthly fee, so I can edit out commercials and program only shows that aren't vile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do I care that much? Not really. But I do think writers deserve a cut of the profits from sales of a product they had a major part in creating. That being said, why did they not have the foresight to negotiate this ahead of time? It's not like DVDs are new to the market.