Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Worst Broadcast Journalist (currently)

Pictured above, mouth always open, is Keith Olbermann. Mr. Olbermann used to be one of the wittiest and funniest men in sportscasting when he used to host "The Big Show" with Dan Patrick. After he flipped out and left ESPN he became a regular newscaster and, up until last night, I have been able to tolerate his wildly leftist rants since I believe in free speech and equal opportunity. I don't mind that he is harshly negative about all things conservative even though he rarely backs his opinion with facts. His show is pure opinion and, I assume, gets good enough ratings to keep him on the air.

Last night he made comments about the Virginia Tech shootings that were just ridiculous. He called out the University President and Police Force as if they weren't doing their very best to understand the terrible tragedy that happened yesterday. I will not say they handled the situation perfectly, but who could. If they had "closed" the campus the shooter would, most likely, have found victims at a different location. There was no way to prevent what happened yesterday, this is a time to grieve and reflect. This is not a time to be a total jerk and point your finger at someone while acting as if you could have done it better. I especially hate that when you don't offer any constructive ideas with your criticism.

Mr. Olbermann is "The worst person in the world" to use one of his catchphrases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He was great as a sportscaster. He and Patrick revolutionized highlight shows and thrust Sportcenter into the limelight. Olberman and Patrick are the Bird and Magic of sports broadcasting.

That said, he's a liberal chode who makes me want to puke.