Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pit Bulls (and the like)

Pictured above from top to bottom are a Presa Canario, American Staffordshire Terrier, and an American Pit Bull Terrier.
First, let me say I do not ascribe to the belief that these dogs are people haters or people eaters or any of the absolutely crazy theories about how violent they are. I COMPLETELY believe they are terrible pets for most folks. Most people buy a dog and want it to just "get it." With a responsible firm owner these dogs can probably be fine, but there are few responsible pet owners out there. Not many people have the time it takes to correctly train a dog, and even more people are unwilling to correct and train a pup because of the overwhelming cuteness. The type of owner needed, especially by these breeds, is the the typical trailer trash, mullet wearing loser who needs to feel tough that you normally see with these animals. The majority of people I see owning these dogs are quite obviously compensating for something by owning a scary looking "fighting dog." These dogs ARE aggressive towards other animals they don't know, and once they decide to be aggressive or defend themselves that is where the problem lies. They do not simply ward off an attack, they finish their opponent completely. The people who love these breeds often say "You are more likely to be bitten by a cocker spaniel than any of these breeds." To which the obvious answer is, it does not matter if a cocker spaniel bites you. It nips your hand and leaves which is no big deal. These dogs tear your hand off or kill whatever provoked them; albeit not as often as the cocker might nip someone.
The real question about their aggressiveness is this Why do we never read about the Labrador, Golden Retriever, Brittany, Weimaraner, or (insert hundreds of breed names here) that mauled or killed someone? Why also are people selling these dogs to people who have no business owning a pet at all?


Anonymous said...

Pits are not only the choice of white trash but have recently become popular with the hip hop community for their ferocious look and reputation.
I think the reason we don't read about dog breed X mauling people is because most people don't train Goldens to fight. Sadly, a large number of Pit owners have them for that very reason.

Pits are good loyal dogs who have received a bad name because idiot owners think it would be cool to own one, then sometime later tire of having the dog, and then decide to chain it up in the back yard, only to have it get loose, and attack someone. The reason he attacked is because he went crazy chained to the tree. No socialization, no companionship. He doesn't know how to act.

I believe there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. If you're a total couch potato please don't get a dog such as a pit, retriever, lab, or Jack Russsel. When dogs need exercise and don't get it, they go crazy.

Before you get a dog go to and take their simple test to see what kind of dog best suites your lifestyle. Answer the questions honestly and choose one of the dogs refered. You'll be happier and so will the dog.

Captain Dude said...

Maybe there are no bad dog BREEDS, there are certainly bad dogs just like there are bad people.

Anonymous said...

I can't disagree with that statement. But I will say that bad dogs, like bad people, act out learned behavior.