Monday, November 13, 2006

Elton John's religious views (updated)

Elton John, Sir intentionally left out, has recently spoken out about organized religion. Most notably he said he would ban religion. That's very open minded and liberal huh? Sounds perfectly communist to me. What a jackass!
"I think religion has always tried to turn hatred toward gay people," John said to the British newspaper The Observer. "Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays."
While there are certainly people who hate gays religion does not promote this. The Bible does proclaim homosexuality as a sin, but it is no different than any other sin. For me, the problem is that is grosses me out to think about, or see, men kissing each other etc.. I took the quote from the printed article located here. Please feel free to take a look at the Be Ghey website and note how overly sexual everything is. I especially liked the Shopping link where you can get all sorts of weird stuff. I am glad Mr. John finally spoke up, I had been wanting his opinion on so many things.

All kidding aside it is now perfectly acceptable for different groups to attack Christianity directly with almost no fear of reprisal. Huge companies, Wal-Mart and Ford, now give preferential treatment to gay and lesbian groups. I don't want these people to be treated unfairly but I also think that targeting specific groups does not bring about equality. Sell your products to all people at the same price regardless of any affiliation, that's equality. Trying to ensure that you have 10% of one color of skin, and 14% of this sexual orientation may seem like you are helping, but that is what breeds ill feelings towards each other. Hire the most qualified person, and promote the best workers if you really want to set a good example.

Kudos to the state of Michigan for banning affirmative action in its current form. They have followed the example of California and Washington and decided to quit giving preferential treatment to any group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Organized religion, no matter which one (save Islam), has done more for humanity than Elton John wants to realize. Many people are confused as to the differences between religion and the people who pratice said religion. Most religions promote goodness and hope to the world and are not looking for ways to keep gays down.