Friday, September 01, 2006

The News

I heard two interesting stories this week. One was that a "monster" had been found dead in Maine. You can read about it here. I think it looks like a dog, and isn't scary at all. The news must really be hurting, nothing going on so we start calling some mutt a monster.

But wait there was a terrorist attack in San Francisco. Some 29 year old Muslim man tried to run down a bunch of people in a Jewish community. Hmmm, accounts of this story seem to vary but some folks claim he was yelling "I am a terrorist" and others say he just misses his wife. No one seems to want to call a duck a duck anymore.

Lastly in San Francisco there is yet another example of how to do things very very wrong. This article talks about one school district is going to let kids decide for themselves if they are boys or girls. Is your gender some mystery, the anatomy is a pretty big clue most of the time. Children need guidance and instruction to help them through the confusing times, and also to assist them in making better decisions later in life. If we let children run themselves they would all get fat on chocolate and sit on the couch watching TV all day. Oh, wait that's how a lot of people "parent" these days anyway. Then they sue the school for having a vending machine.

Stupid! Be accountable for your family and how they are raised, and what they eat and what they do.


Anonymous said...

It's not evil, or evil evil looking. And of course it stunk.....It was dead.

Those were sorry excuses for Dobermans and Rottweilers if that thing killed them. It looks exactly like a picture of my dog at about 3 monts old.

Anonymous said...

It looks like my cousin Phil's son Dexter. Admittedly, the creature in the picture had better teeth Dexter.