Monday, May 15, 2006

Oprah Winfrey (divine?)

I think Oprah Winfrey does some absolutely marvelous things for SOME people, and at times exhibits the type of kindness we should all strive to give others. I also think that whoever wrote this article is off their rocker. It is sad that people still try to conform God to themselves instead of themselves to God. Oprah is not divine, and is not a good spiritual role-model. Oprah believes marriage is archaic and has no place in modern society, this flies in the face of several doctrines not just christianity. I don't mean to knock Oprah, just anyone who views her this way.

Once again, to clarify, when I say God I mean God who sent his son Jesus to die for MY sins that I, a common sinner, might live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven. I don't mean some ephemeral superstitious god that you cannot know, or have to learn a secret handshake, or be of a certain "level" to see the inner sanctuary.

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